Sunday, September 14, 2008

time to get down to business..

My goals for this fall are to begin work that focuses on illustrating the human psyche, or subconscious... and all of its complexities. As Webster’s defines it, the psyche is (in classical mythology), “a personification of the soul,” or in more modern terms, “the actuating cause of an individual life.”

The point I'm trying to make, I guess, is that we are much more than we seem to be. And not just people in general, but everything really.. is quite a bit more complex than one might originally perceive.

People, the anatomical construction of objects, the nature of good and evil-- are all completely gray matters. Let's face it: there just IS NO SUCH THING as absolute black or white. No certainty, no answers.

Everyone & everything is governed by some unknown set of infinite, immeasurable rules; rules that we'll never really know or completely understand... but we still acknowledge their existence.

THUS, what is the purpose to all this rambling & conjecturing? I think my intent is to open viewer's eyes to alternate perceptions, and to help them expand their thinking to the complexities that dictate our mind, society, and existence.

"I cannot understand what I cannot see. I cannot accept what I cannot understand. And I cannot support what I cannot accept. Those without support, I just simply cannot even perceive."


ME said...

love the ambition! it will be interesting to see how you transform these ideas to art. will you be making art in the style of surrealism?


A Girl Can Always Dream said...

These are very interesting.

The patterns make me think of neurons, and energy and dreams.