Thursday, November 27, 2008

printing updates

I just realized I hadn't posted about the printing saga-- so here it is:
  • The samples my prospective printer sent me were not only NOT my images (rather they were generic pictures), but they arrived with unexpectedly high estimates for the cost of printing the final, large images. (They were supposed to send me small tests of my work, and the price estimates given to me went up significantly from what was posted on their website.)
  • After talking with Jessica about different media and printing options, I finally decided printing on silk would probably work best for my concept & images. (I will be playing around with display methods next semester. I am considering hanging the pieces close to the gallery walls to give them some opaque background to set the image off. But, they will be suspended from the ceiling far enough away from the wall in order for them to have some freedom of movement, or flow, as people walk past them.) For the remainder of this semester, then, getting these images printed will be the goal!
  • After some confusion & hassles on the internet and phone with different companies/places about their printing silk products, I ordered a roll of paper-backed silk (the paper comes off... it's just to help with printing) from a place online. It was pretty darn expensive, but not nearly as much as it would've been to get all the images printed from the 1st place. (I will be printing the images myself on this silk paper once it comes in. The estimated arrival time is sometime mid-next week.)
  • For now I am praying that: (1) the printer will work... and will take this silk ok! (2) the images will look decent ...or preferably more than decent... on the silk medium, and (3) the silk will come in time for me to print all these images without going insane in the process!

That's all folks-- please keep your fingers crossed for me that this all works out! :-) I hope you're all enjoying a great Thanksgiving break!!


M. M. said...

Fingers, toes, eyes - all things crossable - will be kept crossed to wish you the VERY BEST of luck, which you so greatly deserve after all your hard work !!

ME said...

i feel your pain.

A Girl Can Always Dream said...

I also with you good luck with the printing. Just let me know if you need anything.